what to eat for breakfast - Bein Arjoo

what to eat for breakfast

what to eat for breakfast

What to eat for breakfast.
Let’s talk about it for a second. I mean, I feel like there is so much confusion that circulates around what to eat for breakfast, and it’s such a bummer because it could be the most delicious hour of the day. I mean seriously, who could deny all the savory deliciousness of eggs and bacon to fill your belly and start your day? And if your one of the few rare ones who really can’t stand breakfast then we can just begin talking about burgers for you. Don’t worry, I know you’re out there.
But the question that always arises and it’s a burning one so many have, what to eat for breakfast?
So lets break it down for a second and dig up the truth about breakfast. What you should eat, when you should eat it and how much.
It’s about to get juicy or fried or however you like your breakfast.

when should you eat breakfast?

Also known as controversial subject number one. Obviously we’ve all been lead to believe that breakfast must be eaten 30 minutes upon rising to wake your body up. So lets take a raise of hands to see how many of you make it a point to hit the clock right at 30 minutes.
For most of you this is probably a no-go. Why? Because of life. It happens, everyday and it is far from perfect.
But here’s the truth. Regardless of whether you eat breakfast, you skip it or you just don’t like it I’m about to turn into your best friend. Why? Because breakfast doesn’t have time constraints.
Breakfast literally means breaking-the-fast. Not, you must eat it within 30 minutes of waking or you must eat oatmeal or any of the other said “breakfast” foods. No! This has been taught to us and not by people who know how the human body works or better yet, how our hormones flow.
Nope, this information comes to you straight from the food industry because lets face it, breakfast foods are cheap to make and expensive to buy and if we all believe that the only foods you can eat for breakfast are said breakfast foods than somebody is making some good money somewhere.
Drop the mic.
How’s that for the longest run on sentence you’ve ever read? Good thing it was full of truth.
Here’s the deal. We must get out of the mindset that breakfast has time constraints and start believing that breakfast is important because it is breaking your fast for the day. This changes things because when we recognize this we also start to recognize how important our hormones are and that their rhythm should set our rhythm. It’s called intermittent fasting and its one of the easiest and most efficient things I teach.
If you want to go more in-depth with intermittent fasting then check out this podcast. But the small scoop on intermittent fasting is basically the resting period you allow your body to go through without eating. This enables proper hormone flow, healing, restoration and drumroll…. greater fat loss. The minimum amount of time you should go without eating is 12 hours every day or what I call the 12 hour window.
So again, it’s not a matter of when you eat, it’s just a matter that breaking-the-fast, whenever you do that really is the most important meal of the day.

how much should you eat for breakfast?

I’m not about to beat around the bush on this one. There’s not one number, not one set of standards, rules or a program that is going to perfectly calculate everyday what you should be consuming. Our body has great swings and with it comes different needs.
While it would be easy to slap a label like number of calories or percentage of macronutrients to breakfast it just can’t be done, ever, by anyone. It’s all about listening to your body, trusting your body and reprogramming it to your natural hormone flow.
So while we can’t and shouldn’t put a number on it, we do know that breaking-the-fast should be one of our larger if not largest meal of the day and account for a good amount of healthy fats, a healthy dose of protein and lots of plants.
So here’s the daily breakdown on meal structure; breakfast is your largest meal, followed by lunch with supper coming in at your smallest.
Now hold up, before you shut down and tell yourself you can’t possibly do this, trust me it can be done. Here’s a snippet of how I do it. Obviously breakfast is crazy around our house. With three hungry young mouths, a husband who gets “hangry” and a mom (aka me) who works the early morning hours. Obviously there isn’t a lot of time to cook an extravagant meal.
But I’m also not a fan of the traditional “breakfast” foods. You know the carb fest that has been coined breakfast. Because of this, my trick of the trade is food prep and leftovers. It’s the combination that makes breakfast successful and big at our house. No prep, other than re-heating with loads of nutrients and that is how you make a true breakfast of champions.
But this also requires somewhat of a plan, and this is coming from a non-organized person. The simple trick is still cooking your biggest meal at supper time and while you do that but also eat the least amount at this meal, there is plenty for leftovers. Then if you take those leftovers and turn it into a delicious breakfast, you’ve just turned one meal into multiple meals and that makes any cook happy.
This is all great, but the real question becomes… “What in the world should I be eating?”

what should you eat for breakfast?

There’s been a lot of talk about the traditional American breakfast. Which none of us can deny is just one big heaping mound of carbs. Think donuts, bagels, cereal, granola bars, oatmeal, grits, yogurt, mochas, toast with the occasional egg or sausage link thrown in.
But here’s the problem with all of this carb loaded breakfast foods. While I’m not denying they are delicious, loading your body with carbs during the same time you are “breaking-your-fast” could be one of the most horrific moves we could make. Why? The sugar spike of course.
The goal of fasting is to even out our blood sugar and insulin levels which allows all of the other hormones in the body to also start to regulate. A quick shift in that sugar level, can be catastrophic to all hormones in the body creating fatigue. A.k.a you start the sugar roller coaster first thing in the morning and you question why you crave sugar all day long.
You see just switching from the carb fest to the real food fest will make a huge difference in every aspect of your health. This also means more fat, a decent amount of protein and lots of plants <- get that not carbs but p-l-a-n-t-s (which stands for vegetables and fruits). It’s a balance working together to keep your blood sugar levels in check and maintaining on flat ground.
In other words, skip the bagel and opt for an omelet (and eat the yolks while you’re at it). Or if you’re going to do the carb, make sure you have LOTS of healthy fats to go along with it.

the bottom line.

It doesn’t matter when you eat it, just that you eat it and make sure it’s the biggest meal of the day. And if this is the case you better enjoy it so why not eat something wholesome with a whole lot of flavor?
That’s were we insert this chunky sweet potato hash. A bowl of chili with cornbreadon the side. An omelet, steak and eggs, taco bowl, stuffed sweet potato or if you’re looking for a more traditional breakfast a porridge, the best blender waffles or pancakes you’ll ever eat or even some granola.
Seriously, you’ll be blown away at the ease in which you can whip up a breakfast if you have a plan. And with a plan comes the ability to prep it all on the weekend in under an hour to have a piping hot breakfast ready to be heated each and every morning during the week.
I feel like this is a good place to cue the fireworks.
It could be homemade granola in a jar ready for some milk and fruit, roasted vegetables ready to be pan fried and topped with an egg or waffles ready to be topped with all of the luscious toppings. If you’re still questioning than check out this breakfast menu I’ve created just for you to show you that no matter when you eat breakfast, you can have it all ready to heat and serve in the morning.

take action:

Remember, our health doesn’t just change without our minds changing and choosing to take action. This week make a choice and choose to eat more plants and fats for breakfast, even if it seems more like lunch. Choose to break your fast without crashing your hormones and do so with deliciousness!
what to eat for breakfast what to eat for breakfast Reviewed by chef simo on April 21, 2018 Rating: 5

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